The necessary viewing distance changes with the 4K Ultra HD
Ah, TVs ... there are all sizes, it's hard to make a choice! If the 4K Ultra HD, now at the top of the high-tech trends, has increased the average size of the screen diagonal, it is still difficult to really know which is the best in one’s living room.
And if you still want a big screen to enjoy movies and series, you are afraid of making the wrong choice, of selecting a too big screen size ... or, even worse perhaps, a too small one! Still, it's quite simple to choose the best size TV for your living room or bedroom. Here's how.

Less viewing distance required for Ultra HD
Nowadays, it is more than wise to trade Full HD TVs for Ultra HD models, especially if you want a bigger screen than before. Why? Simply because an Ultra HD TV needs less viewing distance than a Full HD TV to deliver a sharp and accurate picture.
The cause is the pixel density, which is higher on an Ultra HD display. And since there are more pixels on the same surface, we do not discern them with the human eye: we have a more beautiful, clearer image, even if we are closer! It should be noted that you do not hurt your eyes, since the screens are perfectly calibrated in terms of contrast, brightness and image refreshment to adapt to these new possibilities.
Thanks to the magic of this technology, it is possible to opt for a larger Ultra HD TV than your old Full HD screen, even if you do not have a longer viewing distance. But even with this information, it is necessary to know which diagonal screen size to choose! Are you ready for a little math? But it's for a good reason!
The magic formula for the choice of the right TV size
First thing to know, the screen diagonal is often shown in inches. To calculate equivalence in centimeters, simply multiply by 2.54. Thus a 46-inch screen is equivalent to a diagonal of about 117 centimeters.
Whether you opt for a Full HD or Ultra HD TV, there is one rule applicable in each case. For a Full HD TV, it is estimated that the minimum recommended distance between the screen and the viewer should be approximately 2.6 times the size of the TV diagonal, in centimeters. A rule that falls to 1.3 times for an Ultra HD screen, which means that at a similar distance, you can opt for a screen twice as big!
Let's say you have only 150 cm (1,5 meter) of maximum viewing distance. 150 / 2.6 = 58 cm, about 23 inches for a Full HD TV, or a little more. By opting for an Ultra HD model, you can go up to 46 inches, even a little beyond: it changes everything, right? It does not take more to turn a living room into a real private movie theater!
You want to dare to select a little bigger TV screen? You probably have the opportunity to gain a few inches or more, if you decide to fix your TV screen on the wall. A tip that has proven itself, and also allows to change a little the interior decoration of your home.

Immersion in large dimensions
Having a large screen TV at home is no longer just for owners of a large living room or a large apartment: this preconceived idea is now past history, thanks to Ultra HD! And it cannot be denied that, when you have tasted the joys of a large screen TV, it is difficult to go back to a smaller screen size, especially if you enjoy watching movies and shows, or video games that need an optimal immersion.
You no longer have any excuse for not offering you a big TV, you just have to choose the model! Feel free to explore RCA catalog for a treat.